
SNU Homecoming Weekend is November 8-10th.



我们南拿撒勒大学相信每个人都是按照神的形象创造的, therefore we value the worth and dignity of all people. 渴望成为一个反映多样性代表性的社区, we strive to practice inclusion, 通过上帝的爱来展示公平和寻求和解. These cultural practices are in harmony with our affiliation with the Church of the Nazarene; a body of believers whose members are diverse and all are respected and valued.

南拿撒勒大学招聘启事及就业申请流程位于 SNU Careers page.

获准在美国工作是就业的先决条件. 目前,南拿撒勒大学不提供国际签证.

  • Diversity Statement

    南拿撒勒大学重视每一个按照神的形象被造的人. 因此,我们也希望成为一个反映多样性代表性的社区. 我们通过完善我们的性格来关心包容和公平, the way we create culture, and the way we serve Christ. Our University values reconciliation through God’s love.


  • 非歧视/平等就业机会声明

    南拿撒勒大学的政策禁止种族歧视, sex, age, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, marital status, disability, genetic information, 退伍军人身份或任何其他法律保护的班级在澳门太阳城官网和录取学生, in all personnel actions or decisions including, but not necessarily limited to, recruitment, hiring, training, upgrading, promotion, demotion, termination and salary, and in the operation of all university programs, activities, and services. 对基于上述类别的歧视的任何关切,应向适当的人提出:

    Students contact: 

    Dean of Students
    Southern Nazarene University
    Office of Student Life
    6612 NW 42nd St.
    Webster Commons, Lower Level Suite 110A
    Bethany, OK 73008
    405-491-6336/ Email: kbradley@stuido.net

    Employees contact: 

    Director of Human Resources (or immediate supervisor)
    Southern Nazarene University
    6729 NW 39th Expressway,
    Bresee Hall, Room 306
    Bethany, OK 73008
    405-491-6333/ Email: gcollier@stuido.net

    Executive Vice President

    Southern Nazarene University
    6729 NW 39th Expressway
    Bresee Suite 202
    Bethany, OK 73008
    405-491-6306/ Email: mredwine@stuido.net

    Title IX Disclosure

    无论本政策中的其他语言如何, Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking), as defined in the Sexual Harassment Policy, 会完全受《太阳城官网》及其规定的程序规管.  所有其他形式的性别歧视都受这项政策的约束, including sex-based Harassment, as defined in this policy, 没有上升到《太阳城官网》所界定的性骚扰的程度.

    最初根据《太阳城官网》通过正式投诉提出的行为,也可以根据本政策予以处理, in the institution’s discretion, when: (i) the conduct, or some part of it, may amount to a violation of this policy regardless of whether it meets the definition of Sexual Harassment under the Sexual Harassment Policy; (ii) the formal complaint, or some part of it, has been dismissed under the Sexual Harassment Policy; or (iii) a final determination of a formal complaint has been made under the Sexual Harassment Policy and separate or additional action may be necessary to enforce this policy.


    骚扰包括基于受保护类别的不受欢迎的行为,这些行为直接或间接地影响到个人的就业, 不合理地干扰个人的工作表现, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

    一个人主观地认为行为是令人生畏的, hostile, or offensive does not make that behavior harassment. 从主观和客观的角度来看,这种行为必须创造一个敌对的环境,并且必须如此严重, persistent, or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with, limits, 或剥夺社区成员参与或获得利益的能力, services, 或来自大学教育或就业计划和/或活动的机会. In determining whether a hostile environment exists, the university examines the context, nature, scope, frequency, duration, and location of incidents, as well as the relationships of the persons involved.

    Non-sex-based VAWA crimes

    Note that, when addressing domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking that are not sex-based (i.e., 不包括在大学修订后的性骚扰政策中), 学校需要为当事人提供VAWA保护. Those are outlined on the slides below.

    Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 南拿撒勒大学在其教育计划和活动中禁止一切基于性别或性别的非法歧视, 除非大学因宗教原因获得豁免,不受第九条规定的约束, including the specific religious tenet of the University.

    No individual will be subject to any form of retaliation, discipline, 或因举报违反大学非歧视/平等就业机会声明的行为而受到其他不利行为, assisting/cooperating in making a complaint, or assisting with the investigation of a complaint. 任何认为自己经历或目睹了报复的个人应立即通知上述行政部门的相关成员. 那些被发现违反法律或大学政策进行任何形式的歧视的人将受到纪律处分, up to an including dismissal or termination of employment.

    *南拿撒勒大学的基督教信仰和就业: 南拿撒勒大学是拿撒勒人教会的一个表达. 公司保留根据宗教信仰选择雇员的权利(《澳门太阳城官网》第七章第702-703节).S. Civil Rights Act of 1964).

  • Title IX Disclosure

    Updated: August 17, 2020

    无论本政策中的其他语言如何, Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking), as defined in the Sexual Harassment Policy, 会完全受《太阳城官网》及其规定的程序规管.  所有其他形式的性别歧视都受这项政策的约束, including sex-based Harassment, as defined in this policy, 没有上升到《太阳城官网》所界定的性骚扰的程度.

    最初根据《太阳城官网》通过正式投诉提出的行为,也可以根据本政策予以处理, in the institution’s discretion, when: (i) the conduct, or some part of it, may amount to a violation of this policy regardless of whether it meets the definition of Sexual Harassment under the Sexual Harassment Policy; (ii) the formal complaint, or some part of it, has been dismissed under the Sexual Harassment Policy; or (iii) a final determination of a formal complaint has been made under the Sexual Harassment Policy and separate or additional action may be necessary to enforce this policy.


    骚扰包括基于受保护类别的不受欢迎的行为,这些行为直接或间接地影响到个人的就业, 不合理地干扰个人的工作表现, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

    一个人主观地认为行为是令人生畏的, hostile, or offensive does not make that behavior harassment. 从主观和客观的角度来看,这种行为必须创造一个敌对的环境,并且必须如此严重, persistent, or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with, limits, 或剥夺社区成员参与或获得利益的能力, services, 或来自大学教育或就业计划和/或活动的机会. In determining whether a hostile environment exists, the university examines the context, nature, scope, frequency, duration, and location of incidents, as well as the relationships of the persons involved.

    Non-sex-based VAWA crimes

    Note that, when addressing domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking that are not sex-based (i.e., 不包括在大学修订后的性骚扰政策中), 学校需要为当事人提供VAWA保护.

    Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 南拿撒勒大学在其教育计划和活动中禁止一切基于性别或性别的非法歧视, 除非大学因宗教原因获得豁免,不受第九条规定的约束, including the specific religious tenet of the University.

    No individual will be subject to any form of retaliation, discipline, 或因举报违反大学非歧视/平等就业机会声明的行为而受到其他不利行为, assisting/cooperating in making a complaint, or assisting with the investigation of a complaint. 任何认为自己经历或目睹了报复的个人应立即通知上述行政部门的相关成员. 那些被发现违反法律或大学政策进行任何形式的歧视的人将受到纪律处分, up to an including dismissal or termination of employment.

    *南拿撒勒大学的基督教信仰和就业: 南拿撒勒大学是拿撒勒人教会的一个表达. 公司保留根据宗教信仰选择雇员的权利(《澳门太阳城官网》第七章第702-703节).S. Civil Rights Act of 1964).



    Executive Vice President

    Southern Nazarene University
    6729 NW 39th Expressway
    Bresee Suite 202
    Bethany, OK 73008
    405-491-6306/ Email: mredwine@stuido.net

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